School of English, Irish, and Communication
University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland
Main office +353 (0)61 202424

Selected service at the University of Limerick:
School of English, Irish, and Communication: Head of School, 2014–2016
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Faculty Research Board, 2011–2016
School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication: Acting Head of School, 2013–2014
Selected service at Georgia State University:
College of Arts and Sciences: Executive Committee, Promotion and Tenure Area Committee, Arts and Humanities (chair), Awards Committee (chair)
Department of English: Executive Committee, Self Study Committee, New Appointments Committee, Research Awards Committee, Graduate Committee, Ph.D. examination committee, M.A. examination committee
Women’s Studies Institute: Executive Committee, Graduate Committee
Professional service:
Steering Committee member, Yeats 2015 (Irish government-sponsored celebration of Yeats's 150th anniversary)
President, International Yeats Society, 2013–2017
Representative, Irish Humanities Alliance, 2013–2015
Director, Yeats International Summer School, 2013–15
Director, Yeats Winter School, 2011–12
Consultant, National Library of Ireland, 2005, assisting with exhibit on W. B. Yeats (May 2006–2009); 2002, assisting in cataloguing the occult papers of W. B. Yeats (Collection List No. 60, Mss. 34,270; 36,273–36,285)
Assistant Director, Yeats International Summer School, Sligo, Ireland, 2003–5
Executive Director, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1998–2004
Chair, Anglo-Irish Discussion Group, Modern Language Association, 1997 (Executive Committee 1994–98)
Chair, Irish Studies Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1996 (Executive Committee 1994–97)
Chair, Modern British Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1992 (Nominating Committee 1990–93)
Review and academic boards: The Thomas Wolfe Review; Nua: Studies in Contemporary Irish Writing, W. B. Yeats International Summer School
Reader: Cork University Press; International Yeats Studies; Irish University Review; PMLA; Review of English Studies; Routledge; Yeats: An Annual; University of Michigan Press; Northern Illinois University Press; Ohio State University Press; Oxford University Press; State University of New York Press; Syracuse University Press; Twentieth-Century Literature; Yeats: An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies; South Atlantic Review; Thomas Wolfe Student Essay Prize (Thomas Wolfe Society)
Consultancy: outside reviewer for program review of Department of English, University of North Texas, April 2007; National Library of Ireland, 2005, assisting with major exhibit on W. B. Yeats (May 2006–2009); 2002, assisting in cataloguing the occult papers of W. B. Yeats (Collection List No. 60, Mss. 34,270; 36,273–36,285)
2010 - present
2010 - present