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School of English, Irish, and Communication

University of Limerick

Limerick, Ireland


Main office    +353 (0)61 202424


Selected service at the University of Limerick:

  • School of English, Irish, and Communication: Head of School, 2014–2016

  • Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Faculty Research Board, 2011–2016

  • School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication: Acting Head of School, 2013–2014

Selected service at Georgia State University:

  • College of Arts and Sciences: Executive Committee, Promotion and Tenure Area Committee, Arts and Humanities (chair), Awards Committee (chair)

  • Department of English: Executive Committee, Self Study Committee, New Appointments Committee, Research Awards Committee, Graduate Committee, Ph.D. examination committee, M.A. examination committee

  • Women’s Studies Institute: Executive Committee, Graduate Committee

Professional service:

  • Steering Committee member, Yeats 2015 (Irish government-sponsored celebration of Yeats's 150th anniversary)

  • President, International Yeats Society, 2013–2017

  • Representative, Irish Humanities Alliance, 2013–2015

  • Director, Yeats International Summer School, 2013–15

  • Director, Yeats Winter School, 2011–12

  • Consultant, National Library of Ireland, 2005, assisting with exhibit on W. B. Yeats (May 2006–2009); 2002, assisting in cataloguing the occult papers of W. B. Yeats (Collection List No. 60, Mss. 34,270; 36,273–36,285)

  • Assistant Director, Yeats International Summer School, Sligo, Ireland, 2003–5

  • Executive Director, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1998–2004

  • Chair, Anglo-Irish Discussion Group, Modern Language Association, 1997 (Executive Committee 1994–98)

  • Chair, Irish Studies Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1996 (Executive Committee 1994–97)

  • Chair, Modern British Section, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, 1992 (Nominating Committee 1990–93)

  • Review and academic boards: The Thomas Wolfe Review; Nua: Studies in Contemporary Irish Writing, W. B. Yeats International Summer School

  • Reader: Cork University Press; International Yeats Studies; Irish University Review; PMLA; Review of English Studies; Routledge; Yeats: An Annual; University of Michigan Press; Northern Illinois University Press; Ohio State University Press; Oxford University Press; State University of New York Press; Syracuse University Press; Twentieth-Century Literature; Yeats: An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies; South Atlantic Review; Thomas Wolfe Student Essay Prize (Thomas Wolfe Society)

  • Consultancy: outside reviewer for program review of Department of English, University of North Texas, April 2007; National Library of Ireland, 2005, assisting with major exhibit on W. B. Yeats (May 2006–2009); 2002, assisting in cataloguing the occult papers of W. B. Yeats (Collection List No. 60, Mss. 34,270; 36,273–36,285)

2010 - present

2010 - present


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