​Scoil na Gaeilge, an Bhéarla, agus na Cumarsáide / School of English, irish, and Communication,
University of Limerick
The School of English, Irish, and Communication houses the subjects English, Léann na Gaeilge (Irish Language and Literature), Journalism, and Technical Communication and Instructional Design at the University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland.

The Yeats International Summer School
The Yeats International Summer School, now in its 55th year, is the longest running summer school in Ireland. It features a unique blend of learning, arts, and enjoyment, in beautiful Yeats Country, Sligo, Ireland.
The International Yeats Society
The International Yeats Society is an international scholarly society focusing on Yeats and his wide circles of influence and connection, aiming to link national Yeats societies, promote new research, and support teachers as well as students.
Yeats 2015
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of W. B. Yeats in 1865, Yeats2015 presents a local, national and international series of exhibitions, performances, educational events, festivals, concerts, readings, talks and screenings.
Irish Humanities Alliance
The Irish Humanities Alliance (IHA) was formed in September 2013. The Alliance is working to generate public awareness of the importance of humanities teaching and research in higher education and society at large. It is concerned also to inform and shape public policy in both jurisdiction and in the EU.