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School of English, Irish and Communication

University of Limerick

Limerick, Ireland


Main office    +353 (0)61 202424



  • Visionary Rhythm in Late Yeats. W. B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies monograph. Cátedra de Estudos Irlandeses W. B. Yeats. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.

  • Wisdom of Two: The Spiritual and Literary Collaboration of George and W. B. Yeats. Oxford: Oxford U P, 2006. 

        (Honorable Mention, 2006 Robert Rhodes Prize for Books on Literature of the American Conference

        for Irish Studies)

  • The Aristocracy of Art: James Joyce and Thomas Wolfe. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P, 1990.


Scholarly editions and collections:

  • Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture: Connections in Motion. Co-edited with Sabine Egger and Catherine Foley. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019.

  • A Vision (1937), Volume 14 of The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, co-edited with Catherine Paul. New York: Scribner, May 2015.

  • Yeats Annual, Vol. 19, special issue on Yeats’s Mask, co-edited with Warwick Gould. Open Book Publishers, 2013.

  • A Vision (1925), Volume 13 of The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, co-editor with Catherine Paul. New York: Scribner, 2008.

  • Yeats’s “Vision” Papers, Volume 4, co-edited with George Mills Harper. London: Palgrave, 2001.

  • The Schoolroom in Contemporary Irish Literature and Culture, Studies in the Literary Imagination 30:2 (Fall 1997), co-edited with Rand Brandes.

  • Yeats’s “Vision” Papers, Volume 3, co-edited with Robert Anthony Martinich. London: Macmillan; Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1992.


Articles and book chapters: (2015-present.  Full CV available upon request.)

  • “as though nothing were happening—or rather, not happening”: Excess and Vacuity in The Little Girls.” Elizabeth Bowen: special issue. Co-edited by Anna Teekel and Tina O’Toole. Irish University Review (2021, forthcoming).

  • “Introduction to the Introductions: Wheels and Butterflies as Comedy.” Wheels and Butterflies: a special issue, International Yeats Studies 5.1 (2021). Co-edited with Alexandra Poulain. 1–9.

  • “Heaney and Yeats.” Seamus Heaney in Context. Ed. Geraldine Higgins. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2021. 84–93.

  • “Yeats’s Transgressive Dancers.” Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture: Connections in Motion. Ed. Sabine Egger, Catherine Foley, and Margaret Mills Harper. Lanham, MD: Lexington Book, 2019. 157–72.

  • “Elementals in Language: Heaney after 1998.” The Legacy of 1998: Northern Irish Politics, Culture and Art after the Good Friday Agreement. Ed. Jan Erik Mustad, David Herbert, and Charles Armstrong. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 189–206.

  • “The Problem of Crazy Jane.” Special issue: Women and Ageing in Irish Literature and Film. Ed. Margaret O’Neill and Michaela Schrage-Früh. Nordic Irish Studies 17.1 (2018): 13–29.

  • “Dobbs and the Tiger: The Yeatses’ Intimate Occult.” Special issue: Artistic Collaborations. Ed. Maria Rita Drumond Viana, Alinne Balduino Pires Fernandes, and Miriam Haughton. Revista Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies 71:2 (May 2018): 205–18.

  • “Professor Eucalyptus and Crazy Jane: Late Yeats and Stevens vs. Themselves.” Special issue: Retriangulating Yeats, Stevens, Eliot. Ed. Edward Ragg and Bart Eekhout. The Wallace Stevens Journal 42:1 (Spring 2018): 31–45.

  • “Words for Music? Perhaps.” International Yeats Studies 1 (2016): 1–12.

  • “Structural Rhythm in Late Yeats.” Études Anglaises 68 (2015): 483–95.

  • “Flesh and Bones: Anne Enright’s The Gathering.” Writing Modern Ireland. Ed. Catherine E. Paul. Clemson, S.C.: Clemson University Press, 2015. 81–94. (reprint of my essay from the South Carolina Review).



  • Interview with Michael Longley, Five Points: A Journal of Literature and Art 8:3 (Spring 2004): 57–71.

  • Interview with Eavan Boland, Five Points: A Journal of Literature and Art 1:2 (Winter 1997): 87–105.


Shorter pieces:

  • “Charles Wright,” Southern Writers: A Biographical Dictionary, 2nd ed., ed. Joseph M. Flora and Amber Vogel. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P, 2006.

  • “Thomas Wolfe,” A Companion to American Thought, ed. Richard Fox and James Kloppenberg. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995: 741–3.

  • “Charles Wright,” Contemporary Poets, Dramatists, Essayists, and Novelists of the South: A Pre-Bibliographical Sourcebook, ed. Joseph M. Flora and Robert Bain. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood P, 1994: 553–61.

  • “Of Time and the River: The Problem of Authority, The Thomas Wolfe Review 11:2 (1987): 1–6.


Reviews: (2000-present.)

  • Anne Enright ,ed. Claire Bracken and Susan Cahill, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2011, Irish University Review 32.

  • Irish Literature: Feminist Perspectives, ed. Patricia Coughlan and Tina O’Toole, and New Contexts: Re-Framing Nineteenth-Century Irish Women’s Prose, ed. Heidi Hansson, Irish Review 43 (Summer 2011): 112–15.

  • Joyce and Reality: The Empirical Strikes Back, by John Gordon, Nordic Irish Studies 6:1 (2007):143–7.

  • Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce, by R. J. Schork, James Joyce Quarterly 37: 3–4 (2000): 568–71.


Papers, panels, invited lectures, and seminars: (2015-present.)

  • “Ghosts and Bones: The Erotic Afterlife of the Body,” International Yeats Society Conference, Paris, France, 13 December 2019.

  • “‘Imagining all its circles run’: The Only Jealousy of Emer and Fighting the Waves,” lecture, Yeats International Summer School, Sligo, Ireland, 30 July 2019.

  • “Yeats’s Modernist Dancers,” Modernist Studies Ireland Conference, National University of Ireland Galway, 17 May 2019.

  • “Yeats and Indian Thought,” lecture, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, India, 25 February 2019.

  • “A Vision and Indian Thought,” plenary lecture, Yeats and India conference, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 21 February 2019.

  • Wheels and Butterflies as Comedy,” plenary lecture, Yeats and Laughter Sympsium, International Yeats Society and Yeats Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan, 16 December 2018.

  • “When Is a Poem Violent?” plenary lecture, Irreconcilable Differences? Peace and Conflict in Irish Literature, Culture, and Politics, Nordic Irish Studies Network Conference, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway, 4 May 2018.

  • “Dobbs and the Tiger,” plenary lecture, International Yeats Society Conference, New York, 22 October 2017.

  • “The Allegiance of a Pocket Mirror: Vona Groarke’s Imagination,” Virginia Beall Ball Lecture in Contemporary Poetry, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 16 March 2017.

  • “Professor Eucalyptus and Crazy Jane: Subject, Agent, and Soul in Yeats and Stevens,” Stevens, Eliot: Re-triangulating the Transatlantic Canon, panel, Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6 January 2017.

  • “Yeats’s Transgressive Dancers,” Connections in Motion, Dance in Irish and German Literature, Film and Culture, 16th International Conference in Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick, 1 November 2016 (by video link).

  • “Yeats and Easter 1916,” 10th Anniversary International Bloomsday Conference, Vladimir Nabokov Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, 16 June 2016.

  • “Yeats and Easter 1916,” invited lecture, Embassy of Ireland, Russia, Moscow, 14 June 2016.

  • “The Problem of Crazy Jane,” keynote lecture, Traveling Theories: Origins and Manifestations, First International Conference on Literature, Linguistics and Translation, Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 20 March 2016.

  • “Yeats and the Problem of Crazy Jane,” invited lecture, closing of the exhibition Yeats and the West, National University of Galway, 15 February 2016.

  • Yeats Reborn, Lecture to launch the volume and web site, Irish College, Leuven, December 2015.

  • “Yeats and the Occult: The Unchristened Heart,” public lecture sponsored by the Royal Irish Academy, Limerick, 28 October 2015.

  • “A Conversation on A Vision,” International Yeats Society Conference, University of Limerick, 17 October 2015.

  • “Structural Rhythm and Late Yeats,” plenary lecture, International Association of Ethical Literary Criticism (IAELC), Seoul, Korea, 3 October 2015.

  • “The Importance of A Vision,” invited lecture, Gothenburg University, 9 September 2015.

  • “The Rhythm of A Vision,” lecture, Yeats International Summer School, Sligo, Ireland, 27 July 2015.

  • Panel on Yeats, European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS), Palermo, Italy, 5 June 2015.

  • “The Rhythm of A Vision,” seminar, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, 27 May 2015.

  • “The Problem of Crazy Jane,” plenary lecture, Women and Ageing Conference, University of Limerick, Ireland, 20 May 2015.

  • “The Rhythm of A Vision,” W. B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies Lecture, Comemorações dos 150 anos de William Butler Yeats, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 17 March 2015.




2010 - present

2010 - present


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